Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Forever Lost

Lost is over and everyone hates the ending apparently. Just like everyone hated the Sopranos ending and the Seinfeld ending. Let's be honest, nothing was gonna make people happy. What eneding could have possibly made it good enough for everyone. I was hoping for the reveal the whole show was an acid trip by George Jefferson.

TOP 10: Freddy Kruegar Movies

9. Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare: Just awful. Freddy is killed by his daughter... What daughter you ask? Exactly.

8 Nightmare on Elm Street 2: A crappy follow up to the classic original. Feels like someone wrote this script over the weekend. It's probably a little higher on most lists, but it really rubbed me the wrong way.

7. Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The series had basically petered out by now. Lots of set up to dumb deaths. Robert Englund tries to save it.

6. Nightmare on Elm Street (2010): It was okay. Jackie Earle Haley was okay. Everything was okay. Not a remake that needed doing.

5. Nightmare on Elm Street 4: Had some decent spillover from part 3. Decent storyline but you can see things are starting to go off track.

4. Freddy vs. Jason: Just good goofy fun. Freddy is portrayed as a psychotic killer and Jason somehow becomes the victim. A good watch.

3. New Nightmare: A strange twist on the story. Great to see all the cast members from the original back in their roles and playing themselves.

2. Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors: A trememdous entry into the series. Kids in this story can control their dreams and are (almost) a match for Freddy and can fight him on his own ground.

1. Nightmare on Elm Street (1984): Classic. Englund is scary as hell and the casting is fantastic. The bedroom bloodbath is a real highlight. Saxon is great as the father and cop who knows more than he's letting on.

Currently Watching: Glee
Currently Reading: The Tommyknockers

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Oh, the Horror

So in lieu of a stirring opening to this week's blog, I'm going to link to a story I wrote. It's a 5 page script and it involves horror movie cliches.


TOP TEN: MUPPETS--- No sesame street muppets eligible

10. Sam the Eagle: Never quite got what was going on, and often had hilariously stupid speeches.

9. Rowlf: Good for a good quip now and again. Was overshadowed by the more loud mouth muppets.

8. Gonzo: Not as funny as some people think, but watching a strange looking muppet having a creepy relationship with a chicken is a good time.

7. Animal: If you don't know why animal is funny, kill yourself. This is probably lower than Animal is on most lists.

6. Swedish Chef: Ah Borka Borka Borka. Who cares if you can't tell what the hell he's saying, it's still hilarious.

5. Miss Piggy: A psychotic woman who smells like bacon. She is the perfect foil for Kermit and is very popular in her own right. Plus she was a Pig in Space

4. Beeker: Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep. The eternally suffering assistant of Dr. Bunson Honeydew of Muppet Labs. You can pretty much bank that he will blow up at some point.

3. Rizzo the Rat: A wiseass rat. What else is there to say.

2. Statler and Waldorf: The guys in the balcony, and yes they count as one. They sit in a balcony and insult the muppets, in particular Fozzie, and basically rip on everyone. So yes, they are my heroes.

1. Kermit the Frog: Well, no kidding huh. Famous the world over and instantly recognizable as an American Icon.

Where is Fozzie you ask? Well I hate Fozzie and I don't think he's funny. I would have put Scooter, Lew Zealand, Dr. Teeth and the rest of the band ahead of that bucket of poop.

Currently Watching: Zombieland
Currently Reading: The Shining by Stephen King